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Why is the keystone XL pipeline project to be prevented?


Keystone XL pipeline project is to build a total length of about 2000 km pipeline which runs from oil sand fields in Alberta, Canada into the U.S., ending in Cushing, Oklahoma. As early as 2008, the Canadian TransCanada company submitted Keystone XL pipeline project permit application to the U.S. State Department. But the project has been fiercely opposed by environmentalists, experienced twists and turns. Keystone XL pipeline project is the biggest environmental controversy during the term of President Obama. Supporters say the Keystone XL pipeline will create thousands of new jobs, while opponents argue that the pipeline will lead to environmental disasters and increase pollution resulting in global warming.

keystone xl pipeline project

Obama rejected the Canada XL pipeline project

U.S. President Barack Obama officially announced in November 6th to veto the XL pipeline project. In the 7 years of the interests of the game, the environmental protection has finally won the victory.

Obama at a news conference, said: "oil pipeline project between the United States and Canada on our economy cannot form a long-term effective contribution. The project cannot reduce the price of gasoline in the United States, and from Transport Canada 'dirtier' crude oil can not improve the energy security of the United States." TransCanada has submitted to the Obama administration postpone approval applications, in the hope that the U. S. government in 2017 after the general election to make final decision. After the publication of the veto message, TransCanada shares crashed fell 4.6 percent to 43.15 CAD.

why repeal XL pipeline project?

rejected xl keystone pipeline project

Faced with a huge number of employment opportunities, why the Obama Administration chose to repeal XL pipeline project? Obama said:

Public opinion

The Obama administration has rejected the Keystone XL pipeline project under pressure from environmentalists. Some critics believe that Canada's tar sands fuel is dirtier and damage to the environment than ordinary oil, and any pipeline leak will cause damage to farmland and drinking water. Environmental protection organization 350.org co-founder Mike said, this is a major victory, Obama's decision is historic, which set a precedent for the fossil fuel industry.

Number of Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs is a Matter of Dispute

The American Chamber of Commerce said that if the XL Keystone pipeline project was approved, about 13000 Americans would be employed to build pipelines, in addition to 7000 manufacturing jobs. The State Department's estimate is more modest, which created about 6000 jobs. An independent review is less optimistic, which estimates that the pipeline will create fewer than 2000 short-term jobs in the United States.

public opinion about keystone xl pipeline

On the other hand, crude oil companies think that the project will enhance energy security in North America, create thousands of jobs and help ease the situation in North America's crude oil supply. TransCanada, chief executive of grains said, we will verify the application process once again and do not rule out the possibility of re submitting the project application. In a statement, he said: "the United States chose a symbolic rather than the actual values and scientific criteria, emotional victory over the rational. Some have also pointed out that the new oil supply will help reduce the cost of gasoline used in cars, which is a controversial issue.

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